Your thermostat is the central brain of your home’s heating and cooling system. The thermostat facilitates the level of comfort you designate via your indoor temperature. There’s a lot of power contained in that small device, no matter which type you choose.
At KCA Services, we offer several thermostat options, each giving you the ability to achieve the highest level of comfort in your home. Our Comfort Specialists are here to help match you with the type of thermostat most suited for your Texas home and needs.
Aren’t All Thermostats Pretty Much the Same?
All thermostats are similar in that they all give you the ability to communicate with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system. You must utilize your thermostat to set your desired indoor air temperature. But this is where their similarities end.
Fundamentally there are only three types of thermostats for your home—nonprogrammable, programmable, and smart thermostats:
- Nonprogrammable thermostat. These thermostats are either digital or nondigital, depending on your needs and preferences. They often come with a large, backlit display you can read easily. You are able to change the batteries out of the thermostats by accessing the flip-out door.
- Programmable thermostat. These thermostats allow you to schedule and set your temperature for each day of the week ahead of time. Different models have various abilities to schedule your temperature on weekdays and weekends or every day. You won’t need to manually adjust the temperature up or down several times a day, as your desired programmed schedule will already be set for your preferences. With these thermostats, you will save money on energy costs, only using your heated or cooled air when needed if you program it that way.
- Smart Thermostat. These thermostats offer the highest convenience, control, and energy savings. A smart thermostat utilizes your home’s Wi-Fi to connect your HVAC system with your controls, allowing you to command it from your mobile device, tablet, or smartphone with the swipe of a finger and the touch of a few buttons. In addition to controlling your home’s temperature settings throughout the day, you can obtain energy reports, status updates, and air-filter-change notifications. These thermostats are unparalleled in control and convenience.
So What Is the Right Thermostat Option for You?
Choosing the right thermostat for your home is key if you want to combat high-energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint here in the Boerne or San Antonio area. By taking the time to get to know the selection out there, you will ensure you end up with the most suitable thermostat for your home.
This prevents you from having to replace a faulty thermostat or pay an enormous energy bill because the device isn’t working optimally. Our Comfort Specialists are available to assist you in choosing and installing the best thermostat for your needs.
Is It Time to Replace Your Thermostat?
If your current thermostat is giving you problems, your home feels warmer than usual, or it seems like ages since you truly felt cool in the summer, it may be time for a thermostat replacement. When you make the decision to replace your home’s thermostat, call our specialists. We can lend our expertise in helping you decide which type would be most appropriate to your situation and then install it for you.
Once you install a new thermostat, you should experience a couple of benefits. The most noticeable benefit is higher energy efficiency. By setting your thermostat correctly, the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE) estimates you can reduce your energy consumption by 5 to 15 percent.
Another benefit is a new thermostat is easier to operate. Once you have set the thermostat to your lifestyle, you should notice greater convenience, especially if you upgrade to a smart thermostat.
Call Us Today
No matter what type of thermostat you choose, if you use it as intended, you will notice a difference in your home’s comfort and energy savings. Talk to one of our specialists at KCA Services at 210-698-8520 to discuss how we can help you.