Slab Leak Services in Boerne
Most homeowners are aware of what a pipe leak means for their homes. Typical leaks can be repaired, or pipes replaced, by a plumber and we can move on with our lives. But what happens when pipes leak under your home? This is the most disastrous leak a Boerne homeowner can find. A leak in your slab can mean major trouble for your home.
Don’t worry! KCA Services has all the information you need to know about slab leaks, what causes them, and how to move forward once you have one. We can make this nightmare a little less scary!
What Is A Slab Leak?
Homes are built with plumbing laced through both the walls and the foundation. When the concrete foundation or slab moves or deterioration occurs, the plumbing can break. These leaks are called slab leaks – also known as foundation leaks or concrete leaks.
Some homes were built with crawl spaces or stilts supporting them – these homes don’t need to be as worried about a slab leak. However, most Boerne and San Antonio homes were built on concrete foundations, so they’re at risk.
What Causes A Slab Leak?
If you’re wondering how so much concrete under your home could have actually moved enough to crack your pipes, here are a few causes of slab leaks:
- Poor Construction – Probably the most common cause of slab leaks is incorrectly installed or poor-quality pipes. During installation, if your pipes were nicked, bent or dented, the flow of water over time could cause the pipes to leak in those areas. They could even burst given enough time! Copper pipes have the highest risk of corrosion due to their naturally soft nature and vulnerability to the elements.Â
- Pressure – The pressure of water flow is not the only thing that can affect your pipes. Soil shifting under your slab can cause the house to move ever so slightly, putting pressure on the pipes. This shift can be caused by earthquakes (these are very rare in Texas), underground water or soil erosion. These leaks tend to be large and should be identified as soon as possible.
- Water Quality – Areas with particularly hard water, like Boerne, can be susceptible to corrosion inside their pipes. The acidic nature of hard water can wear away at pipes and cause leaks over time.
- Abrasions – The simple rubbing of pipes against gravel, concrete and other pipes can inflict damage. Hot water pipes are especially prone to this damage because they expand due to the heat and rub against their surroundings.
- Time – By far the most common causes of slab leaks is simply time. Older homes were often installed with copper pipes, which we mentioned above as particularly vulnerable. Also, extended periods of stress on pipes can lead to them bursting.Â
How Do I Recognize A Hidden Slab Leak?
Since the leaks themselves are out of view, we need to learn to recognize the secondary signs of foundation leaks. These signs can be easy to spot if you know what you’re looking for.
Outside the Home
If the leak is significant, you’ll notice a trickle or stream of water running down the side of the foundation. Additionally, water may puddle next to the foundation or there may be mold growing on the side of the foundation. These are all signs of a slab leak!
Inside the Home
As for inside the home, there are several changes that may occur if you have a slab leak down below. Here are some of the most common things slab leaks cause:
- Low water pressure
- Damp carpets
- Warped flooring
- Cracks in tile or cement flooring
- Warm or cool areas on the floor
- A significant increase in water bill
If you notice any of these problems, it’s time to call our slab leak detection experts at KCA Services. An unaddressed slab leak can continue to wreak havoc on your Boerne home and cause potentially far more extensive damage – not to mention the expense grows every day it’s allowed to leak!
Boerne Slab Leak Services
KCA Services is here for all your slab concerns. We have the technology to find and address your slab leak with the least disturbance to your Boerne home and property. If you suspect a slab leak, don’t waste time! Contact us today!